Glossary of terms
The value of the cash, investments or assets you provide to secure your loan.
Serviceability refers to your capacity to make and meet repayments on a loan, based on your expenses and income.
SMS Alerts
Account information that is provided to you using your mobile phone via Short Message Service (SMS). Once you register for this service, you can request specific information such as account balances, deposits or withdrawals.
Stamp Duty
A State Government Tax. For contracts of sale it is calculated according to the sale value on the contract. For mortgages, it is calculated on the amount to be advanced and secured by a mortgage.
Strata Title
A system of title that allows the owner of a unit, in a block of units, to have separate title for that unit.
The Detail
Conditions, fees and credit criteria apply.
This information doesn’t take your circumstances into account. Read the terms before making a decision.
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